森羅万象 – shinrabansho – 1minute Projection Mapping in Miyazaki

An era without time, where even space does not exist. A ray of singularity sews the world as though weaving, guiding the sun that was shut in nothingness. However, as a peaceful world was about to be created, the eight-headed, eight-tailed serpent, born out of darkness, bares its fangs to swallow the universe.

This is a story of human life and death. From creation to destruction, light and darkness, a vicarious experience of a person being born until they die. Being born as the sun rises, the flowers of life bloom, and they live to the utmost until they scatter. The noise seen everywhere is the open seam that modern society gives to that cycle of reincarnation, and is the new giant serpent. What in the world can a person do in order to become a shining singularity?




森羅万象 – shinrabansho – 1minute Projection Mapping in Miyazaki
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Kei Satoのアバター Kei Sato サンナナ代表

Sunnana Inc. Co-Founder / Creative Director / Projection Mapping Director / Web Producer / Media Art
I am the president of a strange group of specialists called SANNANA Co. Some of you may be wondering, "Who the heck are you? I'm sure some of you may be wondering, but we are a design and music company!
